Response by UBC to Draft Green Growth Plan for Perth and Peel at 3.5 Million


Although there have apparently been several hundred responses to the Draft ‘Green Growth’ Future ‘Plan for 3.5 million’, the attached submission and some appendices made by the Urban Bushland Council (reproduced  on this website with their permission) details a historical perspective, current analysis and serious concerns about the proposals outlined in the published  Draft Plan.

The Urban Bushland Council is the peak community organisation in WA for urban bushland recognition and protection and is an association of more than 60 community conservation groups concerned about urban bushland.

It is a voluntary, non-government organisation which works tirelessly with its member Groups to protect the remaining environmental heritage of the greater Perth, Peel, and Busselton regions, in areas influenced by urbanisation.

The Council has played a crucial role in lobbying Government of all levels for bushland protection. Despite numerous statements and commitments by Governments over many years urban bushland continues to degrade and disappear at an alarming rate.

The greater Perth area still holds significant tracts and pockets of relatively undisturbed bushland. However, these are continually at risk from developers and from more insidious impacts from climate change, catastrophic fire events, receding water-tables, and weed invasion; exacerbated by a general lack of public awareness of bushland values.

The Council is the key organisation focussing on these threats and provides the main public voice on the need for retention of what remains for current and future generations. It does this with limited resources through the amazing efforts of its Friends Groups and its many volunteers from all walks of Perth life; schoolchildren through to leading scientists.

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